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Points of Pride

Huie's Points Of Pride


2023-2024 has been an amazing year for Huie Elementary!   We have fostered and built relationships in our community, achieved academic goals and celebrated big wins for our students and staff.

Our 5 Points of Pride:

1.  Partnerships - Huie ES partnered with local and global partners, who in turn invested in our students' success, health and achievement with numerous donations of resources, school supplies and their time.  Throughout the school year community leaders devoted time to read to our students as well as gifted digital reading tablets to promote literacy.

2.  Instructional Focus - Our Huie students and parents attended school hosted events that extended beyond the classroom and focused on instructional strategies for academic success.  Among the events were our Math Fright Night and Lights, Camera, Action Literacy Night.  Each curriculum night involved games for parents, students and staff to engage in conversations around student needs for success and improvement to reach academic goals.

3.  Literacy Promotion - Reading and literacy promotion consisted on ongoing events throughout our school year to foster a love of and interest in reading for our students as well as provide access to books.  Students attended 2 school wide book fairs, had special guests from our CCPS school district and government leaders and officials read to them and also participated in several reading challenges.  Students were able to show their competitive side and were awarded gifts and received recognition.

4.  College and Career Readiness - College and Career Week provided students the opportunity to interact with local business leaders, college students and show their own entrepreneurial spirit.  Huie students met career fair participants from many career paths, participated in dialogue with college students and explored future employment opportunities.  Students led their own vendor fair and showcased their talents, creativity and also gained financial literacy selling and marketing their own goods and services.

5.  Student Competitions - Our CCPS school district hosted numerous sporting and academic competitions that our students participated and placed in.  Our students represented Huie by participating in our district 4H Speech competition, Hear our Voices, flag football, soccer and both reading bowl competitions.  Our students gained exposure to competing on a district platform with students outside of their school.  Huie's flag football team was semi-finalists in the championship game!  Our Hear our Voices students placed in their Multi-Media category and were recognized at the CCPS board meeting and one of our 5th graders won the 4H Speech Competition.