Mission and Vision Statement
The mission of Huie Elementary School is to empower students to achieve academic and personal goals.
The vision of Huie Elementary School is to be a school of high performance preparing ALL students to live and compete successfully in a global society.
Core Beliefs:
- We believe children have first priority on all of our resources.
- We believe that learning is a continuous process and most productive when the needs of each child are met through instruction provided by competent and caring teachers.
- We believe a learning environment where everyone experiences security, care, dignity, and respect is essential.
- We believe education is the shared responsibility of the student, the parent/guardian, the school, and the community.
- We believe communication and understanding among all stakeholders of our diverse community are essential to achieving the goals of education.
Strategic Goals:
1. To increase academic achievement for all students in Clayton County Public Schools as evidenced by state, national and international assessment results
2. To provide and maintain a safe, orderly and secure learning environment
3. To create an environment that promotes active engagement, accountability, and collaboration of all stakeholders to maximize student achievement